The organisation that goes by the name of the Association for Contract Packagers and Manufacturers (CPA) is preparing for its annual meeting, the CPA Engage, to be held in Orlando, US, from 20 to 22 February 2024. The event brings together industry players to discuss the challenges and evolutions in the world of packaging and industrial manufacturing.

CPA is committed to supporting member companies and the industry as a whole by raising awareness of the value of packaging and manufacturing services within an increasingly dynamic and complex consumer economy. This commitment translates into initiatives that foster the development and growth of companies while ensuring customer satisfaction and innovation in the industry.

In line with this mission, Robopac, a leader in end-of-line packaging solutions, contributes to the cause with a wide range of state-of-the-art co-packers, providing its expertise in robotics, automation and sustainability. 

The CPA Engage event will be an unmissable opportunity for the company and Aetna Group to get even more in touch with the needs of the American market, calibrate its technological solutions and seize new opportunities.


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