On 28-31 October Aetna Group will be among the main players at CBB - China Brew & Beverage, which will be held in Shanghai at the SNIEC (Shanghai New International Expo Center).

We’re talking about one of the leading events for the Asian beverage industries that have been attending the show for more than 20 years to discuss the main trends and innovations defining the industry’s future.


Once again this year, CBB 2024 will be a great opportunity to see what’s new and interesting in a range of areas, from raw materials to technology and the main bottling, packaging and logistics processes.


In a 96-square-metre space at Booth W2-1A02, Aetna Group will welcome visitors, partners and customers with solutions from the OCME and Robopac brands to share the latest technological developments in the beverage market. Among them, the Group's crown jewel: the latest-generation self-propelled Robot S7 packaging machine made by Robopac Machinery. But there will also be an overall focus on the world of packaging end-of-line, paying particular attention to the wrapping segment, where the Robopac System business unit plays a key role.


The new edition of CBB 2024 will also be an opportunity for Aetna Group to hold an open house for its new plant in Jiaxing on 30 October. A new implementation for the subsidiary Aetna Group China, where the Group's most important technologies come together. The event was designed to offer customers the opportunity to visit the new showroom featuring all automatic and semi-automatic wrapping solutions, as well as a complete end-of-line solutions for boxing, palletising and wrapping for the beer industry.


In fact, of all sectors the beverage industry is the one that uses the two brands' solutions the most, confirming the high standards of safety and reliability pursued by the Aetna Group that guarantee compliance with local regulations.

Aetna Group China's open house is thus another support for the market that underlines the company's One Global Company policy with a tailor-made approach, a strategy that has enabled the Group to differentiate itself internationally, guaranteeing the same quality standard of product and service worldwide.

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