Sotemapack and Dynatec have collaborated to provide the best end-of-line solution to Norsk Kylling AS, a large company specialized in the production of chicken meat.
Norsk Kylling AS is located in the municipality of Orkland in Norway and it is committed to guarantee a sustainable production of white meat. They pursue this goal by valuing local producers, helping to improve the welfare of farm animals and fostering a circular economy. The company, an undisputed market leader, is supplied by approximately 150 local chicken producers in order to provide healthy, safe and high-quality food to consumers throughout Norway.
In 2021, Norsk Kyllin started up an important and futuristic production plant: it is one of the most modern plants in the World, from the slaughtering and processing of the raw material, to the final packaging of the chicken. The plant has reached very high standards in terms of innovation, for the adoption of intelligent solutions from the energetic point of view and for the centrality given to the theme of circular economy. The collaboration between Sotemapack and Dynatec, the Norwegian engineering company that supplied the plants, has allowed the development and installation of the best solutions for the end of the line, mainly dedicated to new highly innovative green packaging.
The supply request concerned 15 Sotemapack automatic packaging machines of the Wrap Around WA20 series. Thanks to the different solutions available, these machines are able to process a large quantity of products: thermoformed trays, flexible containers and flowpacks, packed in different types of secondary packaging. The machines chosen from the wide range offered by Sotemapack, in line with the objectives of the Norwegian company, are three types: the Wraparound WA 20 with stacker and lanes 90° infeed and outfeed, the same model with 180° infeed and outfeed and the super fast Wraparound TRAY & LID solution.
The development and research carried out on secondary packaging has allowed the realization of a packaging of the SHELF READY PACKAGE series that becomes, thanks to a special box opening system, a convenient shelf display.
The advantage of this system is to guarantee the protection of the product, while offering an immediate and effective display on the shelves. Secondly, it satisfies the need for cardboard recycling as the packaging is mono-material.
The implementation of the production line has been the result of a strong cooperation between the Norsk Kylling, Sotemapack and Dynatec teams, which have made available to the project the mutual know-how and the advanced skills of each resource involved.