On May 15th the mayor of Parma, Federico Pizzarotti, with the head of Cabinet Francesco Cirillo has honored us with his presence by meeting, at our headquarters, the shareholders and members of the Board of Directors: Carlotta Gatteschi, vice- President; Alfredo Aureli, president; Roberto Rastelli, honorary president; Mara Baracchi, founder of the company's wife Francesco Gatteschi and mother of Carlotta; Guglielmo Cacchioli, councilor.
The visit, aimed at making contact with the local production companies and developing and intensifying the relationship between public and private, began with a brief presentation of the company data illustrated by the general manager, Gaetano Libratti, assisted by the communication manager Gabriele Folli followed by the visit of the production plant.
The company is preparing for the Packaging Valley Event, an important Open House that will involve Robopac and OCME at the end of May and which will have its most important moment in Parma on May 29th, where over 150 customers and key players from manufacturing industries from all over the world will be able to see in action all the technologies of the OCME production range.
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